by cardiocomm | Oct 18, 2023 | Testimonial
Three years after aortic valve replacement and three coronary artery bypass grafts, I began experiencing TIA’s. A cardiologist out fitted me with an event monitor for 7 days; I was required to turn on the event monitor when or immediately after having an...
by cardiocomm | Oct 18, 2023 | Testimonial
I had not been in A-Fib in over a couple of years but last week I was exercising and felt myself go into A-Fib. I took my ‘pill in the pocket’ treatment and a few hours later went back into normal sinus rhythm. I was so grateful to be able to monitor...
by cardiocomm | Oct 18, 2023 | Testimonial
It is hard to believe that I have had the device since 2013….. I use the Heart Check Pen because my doctor wants to be sure that I let him know if I go back in to AFib. Since I have never detected AFib on my own (no specific feeling or physical discomfort) I...
by cardiocomm | Oct 18, 2023 | Testimonial
I bought a HeartCheck ECG monitor in July 2013 and it came with a small disc with ‘Heart Check’ Version 2.0 software which I tried loading and it didn’t work correctly. It wouldn’t connect with the monitor. I then downloaded the “GEMS...
by cardiocomm | Oct 18, 2023 | Testimonial
I was searching the Internet for portable devices for monitoring my heart rhythm assuming that since there were devices for blood pressure why not heart rhythm. I came across a couple in the UK and then found the HeartCheck™ ECG PEN though an AF website I found. When...
by cardiocomm | Oct 18, 2023 | Testimonial
I saw the HeartCheck™ ECG PEN device at Shoppers Drug Mart while waiting for a prescription. I have high blood pressure, and many in my family have heart problems. I liked the fact that you take the ECG test at home and it is read by doctors so I decided to purchase...