Subsequent to open heart surgery, aortic valve replacement plus triple by-pass, my doctors have wired me with event monitors for 24 hours and sometime 72 hours, the stick-on patches and wires are both uncomfortable and inconvenient. I searched for an alternative, discovered and purchased a CardioComm Solutions, HeartCheck™ ECG PEN, which has allowed me to conveniently self-record my heart rhythm [ECG] and keep reading records on my home PC. When my HeartCheck™ ECG PEN indicates an abnormal rhythm I request a reading report via the Gems software and the SMART Monitoring ECG reading service; the ECG report I get back indicates if an appoint with my cardiologist is advised. The HeartCheck ECG PEN is hand held ( no wires ) and easily fits in my shirt pocket, it gives me peace of mind; I would recommend that persons with heart issues, and particularly seniors [65+] with heart issues, purchase a hand held CardioComm Solutions device and use the ECG reporting service.

Don H.
senior citizen, Phoenix, AZ – HeartCheck™ ECG PEN user for 2 years